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Violence against women, in four hashtags

Coercive behaviour in relationships is not always easy to spot or understand - by either the perpetrator or the victim. 
The UK organisation Women's Aid deploys a familiar TV game show format, with a clapping/cheering studio audience, three female contestants, and a perky host. 

The increasingly uncertain participants give 'wrong' answers to loaded questions, illustrating how coercive control (illegal in the UK since 2015) can unfold.
Shots of the participants' male partners at the end show them clearly as uncomfortable as the women, leaving the viewer to interpret those expressions.

"Domestic abuse isn’t always physical and  coercive control can happen gradually in a relationship with a pattern of behaviours that you may not initially identify as abusive, but when put together create a web of control."

Women's Aid

The year 1991 saw the release of the landmark movie 'Neria', considered the first feminist film in sub-Saharan Africa.
It told the story of a women fighting for her rights over her property and children after her husband's death.
A new version of the film premiered on November 25 to coincide with the start of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV).
With the same main storyline as the original movie, it brings an updated discussion to the female experience and how traditions and cultures can contribute to GBV.
In Italy, top football club Juventus joined the 16 Days drive with a very visual demonstration of the ongoing issue, delivered direct to all fans and spectators within the traditionally male arena of a football stadium.

Well-known players both male and female took part by blocking out every third seat in the 41,507-seater Allianz Stadium to represent the nearly 30% of women and girls who experience some form of violence during their lifetime.
Looking towards the future, UK charity Refuge - founded 50 years ago to provide support to domestic abuse victims - demonstrates how their job gets harder as tech gets smarter. What looks like a regular smartphone ad morphs into the unsettling as the device's attributes are displayed in terms of controlling 'her' movements.

Posted by Tree Elven on 27/01/2022

Keywords: violence against women, women's aid spot the abuse campaign, coercive control, neria 2021, don't sit and watch, charity refuge, tech abuse of women

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